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The Law Office of Pamela J. Helton, P.A. is well versed in drafting wills in the state of Florida. Will and estate planning has been a service offered here since it's doors opened in 1997. When preparing Wills, we often recommend a package of documents that work together to secure your assets and final wishes. Below is a list of documents we include in your Will Package and a general explanation of each.

A Will Package consists of:·      

  • Living Will and Testament

  • Living Will and Designation of Healthcare Surrogate

  • Durable Power of Attorney

  • Designation of Preneed Guardian

  • Memorandum of Tangible Personal Property


1. The Living Will and Testament is what most people simply refer to as a Will. This document testifies on your behalf as to what you would like done with all major assets after you pass away. Major assets would include things like a home, automobile, bank accounts, retirement accounts, etc. It also determines funeral arrangements and burial wishes if necessary.


2. The Living Will and Designation of Healthcare Surrogate states what you would like done in the event you are still alive, but unable to make decisions for yourself (Coma, Advanced Dementia, Alzheimer, etc.). This document increased in popularity after the Terri Schiavo case. It addresses such questions as: Do you want to be left on life support? How long? If it is necessary to be on life-support, do you want to be fed intravenously? etc. Although these are not easy questions to answer, they can spare loved ones from having to make those types of decisions on your behalf. Since these types of issues are not usually a part of normal dinner conversation, loved ones are deeply grieved when they have to make these decisions and are frequently left with unresolved guilt.


3. The Durable Power of Attorney gives someone of your choice the power and authority to be able to legally sign documents for you. This is necessary to take care of closing any financial accounts, transfer/disburse money, pay bills, etc. in the event you are alive, but unable to take care of those matters yourself. 

4. Designation of Preneed Guardian gives an individual of your choosing permission to take care of either you (due to mental illness, paralysis, coma, etc.) or your minor children in the event you are unable to do so. 

5. The Memorandum of Tangible Personal Property is the only document that you can add to as time passes without having to redo the document. All personal items (personal collections, jewelry, artwork, etc.) that you would like to give to a specific friend or loved one upon your demise.

If you would like to consult an attorney regarding a Will package, please give our office a call at (352) 243-9991 to schedule a consultation today.

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